Saturday, October 5, 2024
Here's how to use both VBA and iterative calculations to update your workbook in response to DDE updates. Also includes ideas from other Excel MVPs.

Track Dynamic Data with VBA or with Iterative Calculations

"My A1 cell changes value every minute because it imports data from a DDE server. To keep historical data, I would like to list...
Most Excel gurus can do simple things in worksheets more quickly than early-stage Excel users can. Here are some time-saving ways to get started.

Save Time with Excel Range Selections

One of the big differences between early-stage Excel users and gurus is that gurus can do simple things in Excel much more quickly than...
In a workbook with many sheets, you easily can select the sheet you want from a list of sheet names in your workbook. And you don't need VBA to do it.

Quickly Find a Worksheet in an Excel Workbook With Many Sheets

I’m not opposed to using VBA. I think it’s great fun and it can be very useful. But in a business setting, if VBA...
Excel's absolute cell references, like $A$1, confuse many Excel users. But the explanation is easy. Each dollar signs serv only one important purpose.

How to Use Absolute and Relative Cell References in Excel Formulas

A reader sent me this question: Could you send me more details about using $'s like the following: =AVERAGE($6:$6) averages all data in ROW 6....
In Word, we can set up custom forms, and then tab through them to enter our data. Here's how to tab through forms in your cells in your worksheets.

How to Tab From Cell to Cell in an Excel Worksheet Form

As a general rule, it's a good idea to find a way to import data from some other source, rather than entering the data...
Excel includes many outstanding features that you probably don't know even exist. Here's how to find those features and to use the ones you need.

How to Find and Use Excel’s Best Hidden Features

Excel has many outstanding hidden features. Here are a few that I use frequently… In Excel 2013 and above, when you close Excel's last...
When you bring data from another source into an Excel worksheet, the data often includes rows that you’ll want to delete. Here's the first of two methods.

How to Delete Blank or Unneeded Rows, Method 1

When you bring data from another source into an Excel worksheet, the data often includes rows that you’ll want to delete. Often, you’ll want...
When you combine conditional formatting with charts you can create detailed chart legends that match the relative positions of the lines in your chart.

How to Create Dynamic Chart Legends in Excel

When I saw a chart designed like the ones below in the Wall Street Journal, I knew I had to create one just like...
Here's how to split text into columns when you paste the text to your worksheet, and how to turn off this feature when you're done.

How to Change Text to Columns When You Copy and Paste in Excel

Today I needed to copy a bunch of numeric tables from a pdf file into Excel. When I pasted the first table, all the data...
The 'List' Feature of the Data Validation command offers a quick and easy way to set up a dropdown list box that you can use for choosing items in a cell.

How to Set Up a Data-Validation List Box in Excel

Often, we need to set up a list box in Excel, a sorted list that allows us to choose an item from an Excel...
