Tuesday, December 10, 2024
In one SUMPRODUCT formula, you can summarize any number of specific accounts in a list. This makes it easy to summarize financial data from an accounting trial balance.

How to Create Summarized Financial Statements with SUMIFS Criteria Lists

In How to Use SUMIFS with Criteria Lists, Summarizing Sales, I explained how to use the SUMPRODUCT function with SUMIFS to return the sum of...
SUMPRODUCT is one of Excel's most-powerful function for summarizing data. It offers much of the power of array formulas, but without the complications.

How to Use SUMPRODUCT in Excel to Summarize Worksheet Data

After I posted  The Most Powerful Ways to Summarize Excel Data for Reporting and Analysis, a reader asked why I hadn't discussed the SUMPRODUCT function. I told him...

How to Smooth Data by Using the TREND Function

Years ago, I read that Prof. William S. Cleveland had suggested that data could be smoothed by calculating a centered trendline through adjacent data—a...
Excel's SUMIFS and SUMPRODUCT functions both can return the sum of a column of data under specified conditions. But which calculates more quickly?

Excel’s SUMIFS or SUMPRODUCT…Which is faster?

Today, I learned about an Excel reporting need that looks something like this: There’ll be about 150,000 rows of data maintained in an Excel database. ...
I used the FILTER function to give me IFS-like power for PERCENTILE.INC. But then I realized the same pattern brings IFS-like power to many functions—including MEDIAN, STDEV.S, GEOMEAN, and perhaps even the FORECAST functions!

Using the Hidden Power of Excel’s FILTER Function

When you take the time to explore a new worksheet function, it's amazing what you can discover! And I won't tell you about the really...

How to Smooth Monthly Trends with Centered Moving Averages

I recently read an article in the Wall Street Journal about the expected increase of electric vehicles in the US. That made me wonder...
The SUMIFS function returns a sum for nearly any number of single criteria. But with SUMPFODUCT you can return the sum for many criteria listed in a Criteria List.

How to Use SUMIFS with Criteria Lists, Summarizing Sales

With one exception, SUMIFS is a very powerful function. And it's very fast. To understand the one exception, suppose you have a table of sales...
How to aggregate named groups of GL accounts.

How to Report GL Account Groups in Excel

Believe it or not, this income statement is quite sophisticated. It's not nearly as simple-minded as it looks. In fact, this income statement illustrates a...

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Excel Flowbook Revolution

Getting Radical with Excel

It's time to think about Excel in a radical new way—when we use it to work with business or economic data. It's time, in fact,...
Growing too fast can be dangerous to your company's health. Use the Sustainable Growth Rate ratio to track your company's financial ability to grow.

How Fast Is Too Fast?

(Originally published in Inc Magazine.) What typically tops the list of worries of the chief executive officers of fast growing companies? Financing that growth, according...

How to Smooth Data by Using the TREND Function

Years ago, I read that Prof. William S. Cleveland had suggested that data could be smoothed by calculating a centered trendline through adjacent data—a...